살균제의 벼 육묘상 처리에 의한 도열병 방제 효과 |
강범관, 민지영, 김윤식, , 정해연, 조인준, 김흥태 |
The Effect of Fungicides against Rice Blast by the Nursery Treatment at Rice Seedling |
Beum Kwan Kang, Ji Young Min, Yun Sik Kim, Nguyen Van Bach, Hae Yeon Jung, In Joon Cho, Heung Tae Kim |
Abstract |
The control activity of isoprothiolane and tricyclazole mixed with carbosulfan, and probenazole by the nursery treatment was performed against rice leaf and neck blast caused by Magnaporthe grisea. In the paddy field, three fungicides showed good activities against leaf blast 3 months after nursery treatment. Especially the activity of tricyclazole against leaf blast gradually increased by the laps of time to 85.5%, which was assessed at 6 September, 2003. Although the control value of isoprotholane and tricyclazole mixed with carbosulfan against neck blast was 47.5% and 61.1%, respectively, probenazole showed a very high activity against not only leaf blast but also neck blast, of which that was 91.2%. No phytotoxicity was observed in all the treatments after transplanting rice seedling in the paddy field. Based on these results, three systemic fungicides tested in this study showed such a good potential that they might be used to formulate the nursery treating granule. |
Key Words:
Fungicidal activity, Nursery box treatment, Rice blast |